Sustainable Glass Recycling Scheme Saves One Million Tonnes Of Raw Material Usage

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Two industry heavyweights have joined forces to spearhead a sustainability campaign that has prevented one million tonnes of sand from being consumed in the flat glass manufacturing process.

Integral blinds manufacturer Morley Glass & Glazing has helped flat glass manufacturer Saint-Gobain Glass to achieve this landmark milestone by operating and promoting a post-consumer glass recycling service.

Morley Glass & Glazing provides a free service to encourage its customers to return old glass from home refurbishment and window replacement projects to its factory in Leeds, West Yorkshire, where it crushes the glass and returns it to Saint-Gobain Glass to be re-used in the flat glass manufacturing process.

Steve Severs, Managing Director at Saint-Gobain Glass said: “We have been recycling post-industrial glass from our own and our customers’ manufacturing sites since 2002 but Morley’s post-consumer glass recycling scheme over the last few years has contributed significantly towards our one million tonne milestone.

“Ethically and commercially this is the right thing to do. Re-using glass from glass processing plants, and residential and commercial refurbishment projects reduces the amount of virgin raw materials extracted from the ground. Our flat glass uses around 40% of cullet in the manufacturing process, making it one of the most sustainable products on the market. High-performance glass manufactured in this way also requires the furnace to be heated to a lower temperature, which saves energy and reduces CO2 emissions.”

Ian Short, Managing Director of Morley Glass & Glazing said: “This is an absolute no-brainer. Our vans deliver insulated glass units with integral blinds inside to destinations across the UK every day and rather than coming back to the factory empty, we encourage our customers to fill them with glass from old poorly performing windows and doors. We crush the glass into cullet on-site and it can then be re-used to make new high-performance windows and doors that are in such high demand from homeowners looking to create energy-efficient, comfortable homes.

“As an added bonus, all the money we receive from Saint-Gobain Glass for the cullet is donated to charities and good causes through our GreenVision fund to support environmental and sustainability projects such as creating gardens, allotments, city farms, and wildflower areas.”

Steve Severs presented an award to Ian Short at the FIT Show, for the company’s contribution to the milestone. Steve said: “Morley Glass & Glazing are true innovators and pioneers in the industry so it comes as no surprise that they are 100% on board with this initiative. Together we are improving the built environment, reducing CO2 emissions, and reducing the use of raw materials. We have reached a tipping point whereby the industry is becoming more sustainably aware and are appreciating the benefits such actions can bring to their business and to the planet.”


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